AC Transit Supports the Asian American Pacific Islander Community and Denounces Anti-Asian Sentiment, Racism and Violence
AC Transit Supports the Asian American Pacific Islander Community and Denounces Anti-Asian Sentiment, Racism and Violence

AC Transit strongly condemns recent attacks on the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, Anti-Asian harassment and acts of violence. Anti-Asian sentiment and racism has always existed, but there has been a concerning rise in incidents that have increased sharply in that last year.
According to Stop AAPI Hate’s National Report, there have been roughly 3,800 hate incidents from March 19, 2020 to February 28, 2021. Targets have increasingly been women and elders and these egregious acts cannot be tolerated. Whether a slur or an act of physical harm, ignorance and xenophobia must be called out, and this behavior must stop now. Violence towards the AAPI community has not happened in a vacuum. Recent rhetoric coming from various sectors in our society has no doubt contributed to these attacks on the AAPI community.
We especially commend those who, more and more, have had the courage to stand up for themselves and report these occurrences. The response from the public and all communities and sectors are notable and will help to mitigate such violent occurrences in the future.
The AAPI community have made great contributions to this country and our rich history. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic alone, the AAPI community have risked their lives and have served on the front lines during this crisis as healthcare providers, first responders, as Essential Workers and more. Their contributions are great and have had lasting impacts on our economy, our culture and our history.
AC Transit calls out the hate. It is up to us to support everyone in our society and we must all stand together to defend ALL communities. AC Transit is committed to the communities we serve, and in this moment, we stand in solidarity with our AAPI community. For more information and resources, please visit: If you live in Alameda County, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office activated a hate crime hotline number available for the reporting of hate-related crimes: 510-208-4824. STOP AAPI HATE!