Sustainability at AC Transit
Commitment to Sustainability

AC Transit has a long history of implementing sustainability practices, focused primarily on fleet conversion to zero emission buses. The District’s Sustainability program was first launched in 2004 with an Environmental Self-Assessment Report and continued with the completion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories between 2007 – 2010 and various public Sustainability Reports that summarized energy use, water use, and hazardous and operational waste.
More recently, AC Transit re-committed to completing annual GHG verifications, signed the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Sustainable Transit for a Healthy Planet Challenge, and signed the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Sustainability Commitment.
AC Transit completed a comprehensive Climate Action and Sustainability Plan, which provides a framework for implementing the District’s sustainability program and summarizes the commitments to improving sustainability performance. The framework includes goals, targets, strategies, and actions. This Plan is organized by three pillars that represent the District’s overall goals for improving sustainability performance: Environment (planet), Community (people), and Leadership (administration and guidance).
AC Transit is expanding regional inter-agency collaboration with its jurisdictional partners and their sustainability programs and actively participates in BATSWG – the Bay Area Transit Sustainability Working Group.
Further, AC Transit's Legislative Affairs team works closely with state and federal policymakers to influence transit legislation, appropriations, and administrative matters that impact AC Transit's operations.
Sustainability Program Plans and Reports
AC Transit is committed to sharing its Sustainability Plans and Reports to demonstrate on-going progress towards implementing sustainability throughout the District.

- Sustainability Update Report CY 2023
- Climate Action and Sustainability Plan (Print Version)
- Sustainability Celebrated Events
- Climate Action 2022
- Climate Action 2011
- Environmental Sustainability Report 2010
- Environmental Sustainability Report 2008
- Environmental Sustainability Report 2007
- Environmental Sustainability Report 2006
- Environmental Self-Assessment Report 2004
- All Verified Greenhouse Gas Inventories (The Climate Registry)
Sustainability Initiatives
Our commitment to a sustainable future drives everything we do. Our initiatives focus on reducing our environmental footprint and promoting best management practices across all aspects of our operations. We believe that sustainability is a shared responsibility. Through innovative initiatives and collaborative efforts, we engage with local organizations and our community to create a greener future. We're committed to making a positive difference together.

Reducing Vehicle Emissions and Clean Air Day
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) passed the Innovative Clean Transit Regulation, requiring all transit agencies to transition their fleets to zero-emission technologies by 2040. AC Transit has embraced the exhaust emission standards set by CARB for more than 15 years, launching its first hydrogen fuel cell pilot program into service in 2002. Since then, the District has adopted operational practices and programs that proudly exceed state environmental standards—including building one of the most comprehensive hydrogen fuel cell programs in the United States. As funding allows, AC Transit continues to purchase and integrate new zero emission buses (ZEBs) into our fleet—prioritizing their deployment to several disadvantaged communities through our Clean Corridors Plan.
AC Transit participates annually in Clean Air Day, which is lead by the Coalition for Clean Air, to sign a “Clean Air Day Pledge” to commit to actions we can do, big and small, to clear the air. AC Transit promotes this celebration through social media and a pledge drive with staff.

Climate Resilience Plan
How does climate change and extreme weather impact your ride?
We’re excited to share that AC Transit was awarded a Caltrans HQ grant to develop a Climate Resilience Plan. This study will evaluate how changes in rainstorms, extreme heat, wind, wildfires, sea level rise, etc. could impact our bus route network, fleet, and the well-being of our employees and riders. The project will kick-off January 2025 and be completed in Summer 2026.
AC Transit is committed to understanding climate vulnerabilities and identifying climate adaptation strategies to sustain bus service. More info coming soon.
More information coming soon. Check back for link to project webpage.

Healthy Planet Challenge
On June 15, 2021, the Federal Transit Administration launched the Sustainable Transit for a Healthy Planet Challenge to encourage transit agencies to take action to further reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from public transportation to support President Biden’s GHG reduction goal. The challenge calls on transit agencies to develop climate, sustainability, electrification or zero-emission transition plans that include strategies with measurable goals to achieve GHG emission targets. AC Transit signed the challenge and submitted a Climate Action Plan in time for Earth Day 2022. This Plan demonstrates a path to achieve 50 percent GHG emission reduction by 2030 and a 100 percent GHG reduction by 2050. The Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan is the primary means to achieving this effort.

Waste Reduction
In an effort to reduce waste, AC Transit Sustainability Program and Facility Department started a pilot compost program at our headquarters. The 3-month pilot program included setting up new central recycling stations in all break rooms, signage, and education around correct sorting. At the end of the pilot, approximately 2.6 tons of organic waste was diverted from going into the landfill. We also celebrate National Recycling Day to encourage waste diversion in the office and at home! This program is continuing to expand to our facilities, as feasible.

Earth Month Bingo
AC Transit hosted Earth Month Bingo for the first time in 2024 as a way to engage with our community. Participants were encouraged to mark squares that include environmentally friendly actions. This activity was promoted through social media and on buses You can find our Earth Month Bingo card here.

Producing Green Energy Through Solar
AC Transit has 1,427 kW (DC) of installed solar in 7,032 panels located on an elevated trellis system in Hayward and on the rooftops of our Central Maintenance Facility, Oakland and Hayward divisions. In 2023, the District completed an evaluation of all solar to ensure optimization of existing systems and will start implementing recommendations in 2024.

Energy Audits
AC Transit is in the process of completing energy audits throughout the District, through incentive programs of PG&E and AVA Community Energy. The purpose is to identify immediate no/low-cost measures that can reduce energy consumption and to identify capital energy projects that could be considered in the future.

Environmental Savings Calculator
Taking AC Transit helps reduce your environmental footprint and now there is an easy way to determine how much! In celebration of Earth Day 2022, we added an environmental savings calculator to our Trip Planner. Under “Trip Details”, you now can see how many pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) you save, which is the primary greenhouse gas harming the planet. It will also calculate your ride aboard one of our zero emission buses.
Calculation: lbs. of C02 = mileage x transit mode emission factor (grams/mile)/occupancy factor/grams per lb. Data Sources: mileage based on AC Transit travel distance; transit mode emission factor based on California Air Resources Board's EMFAC2021 and assumes 40’ bus (EMFAC Urban Bus vehicle category; which comprises 75% of AC Transit’s FY2021 bus fleet); occupancy assumes 8 people per bus (average AC Transit FY2021 occupancy factor) and 1 person per car. Limitations: currently this tool is only able to calculate AC Transit’s portion of trips (e.g. does not include walking or connections with other transit services, such as light rail or ferry). Disclaimer: This interactive calculator is intended to be an approximation of emissions savings and was developed primarily to engage the public about the benefits of mode-shift from car to bus.