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Macdonald Ave and Cutting Blvd Transit Improvement Project

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Macdonald Ave and Cutting Blvd Transit Improvement Project

Transit Signal Priority System
Figure 1: Transit Signal Priority (TSP) System
Bus bulb example
Figure 2: Bus Bulb Example

Join us for Macdonald Ave and Cutting Blvd Improvements Committee Meeting

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2024
Time: 4-7 pm
Location: Richmond Memorial Auditorium, Bermuda Room, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804

AC Transit is proposing improvements to Macdonald Avenue and Cutting Boulevard. We invite you to provide feedback on these proposals. Join us for an open house to learn about various upgrades including new signal equipment, better signal coordination, bus bulbs installations, bus stop relocations, bus stop amenities, and access improvements. These changes are aimed at enhancing safety and accessibility for bus riders and pedestrians, streamlining bus operations, and improving the overall customer experience. The planned improvements will focus on Macdonald Avenue from Richmond Parkway to San Pablo Avenue and Cutting Boulevard from I-580 to the El Cerrito del Norte BART Station.


AC Transit’s proposed transit improvement project focuses on improving safety and accessibility for both bus riders and non-bus riders, improving bus operations, and improving the customer experience. This project will improve AC Transit service along Macdonald Avenue between Richmond Parkway and San Pablo Avenue and along Cutting Boulevard between I-580 and El Cerrito del Norte BART Station. The project includes signal upgrades, bus stop relocations for improved pedestrian safety, curb extensions for bus stops to improve service reliability, sidewalk repairs, repainting faded curbs, and bus shelter installation for enhanced rider comfort. The improvements along Cutting Blvd will be made with the cooperation of Golden Gate Transit. 

 Here's what's happening:

  • Improved Bus Service:  By upgrading traffic signals, approaching buses will be able to communicate with traffic signals which can turn green as the bus approaches the intersection, or the traffic signal will hold the green light for buses to cross the intersection (See Figure 1 above). This will minimize delays to buses and vehicle drivers. A special bus signal, called a queue jump, will be installed at key intersections to reduce wait times for buses and improve service reliability. 
  • Safer Stops:  25 bus stops will be moved to safer locations, often from a location immediately before an intersection to immediately past an intersection.  Bus stops that are located past the intersection improve pedestrian visibility by having pedestrians cross the street behind the bus rather than in front of the bus. This will make it easier for riders to cross the street and improve visibility of pedestrians for on-coming traffic.  
  • Improved Service Reliability:  Curb extensions for bus stops, called “bus bulbs,” will be built at 11 locations (See Figure 2 above). These allow buses to board passengers from the traffic lane when stopping, preventing delays and making trips faster and more reliable by reducing the amount of time buses spend merging in and out of traffic. 
  • Comfortable Stops:  17 new bus shelters will be installed with lighting, improving the rider experience and increasing visibility for improved safety. Seven new bus stop benches will be added. 
  • Improved Traffic Flow: Traffic signals along Macdonald Avenue and along Cutting Boulevard will be updated to improve traffic flow. 29 traffic signals will be upgraded. 
  • Improved Access:  29 new or upgraded curb ramps will be installed to improve accessibility for pedestrians with limited mobility, wheelchairs, strollers, and other mobility devices.  
  • Pedestrian Improvements:  Sidewalks will be repaired at 29 bus stops, and trees will be planted at two locations. 

This project is funded by:

  • Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) funding administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) through its Transit Performance Initiative (TPI) Program, which funds low-cost capital investments.
  • The One Bay Area Grant 3 (OBAG 3), a program managed by MTC to distribute federal transportation funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to projects and programs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Cutting Boulevard improvements receive additional funding from Regional Measure 3 (RM 3), a toll bridge increase administered by MTC which funds transportation improvements in toll bridge corridors. 
  • AC Transit will also contribute matching funds. 

For more information on this project, contact or call (510) 891-7277. You may also check the project page for updates or sign up for AC Transit’s eNews, an online subscription to information and updates on the District, bus service, and/or projects.

Project Elements*

Macdonald Avenue*

Bus Stops (Bus Stop ID) Direction Impacted Lines Proposed Changes Parking Spaces Added/Removed 
Macdonald Avenue & Richmond Parkway (53835) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 607, 681 Remove bus stop as part of bus stop spacing optimization.  3 added 
Macdonald Avenue & Curry Street (57533) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 607, 681 Repair the sidewalk, upgrade one curb ramp and fill in the landscape strip with concrete for safety. 1 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & Curry (51230) WESTBOUND Line 72M Relocate the bus stop past the intersection, construct two new curb ramps, repair the sidewalk, plant a new tree and fill in the landscape strip with concrete for safety.  5 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 1st Street (57654) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 607, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 2nd Street immediately before the intersection, upgrade the curb ramp, install a new bus shelter and install a new bus bulb. 1 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 1st Street (55794) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 2nd Street immediately before the intersection. 4 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 4th Street (50892) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 607, 681 Repair the sidewalk, relocate an existing sign, install a bus shelter, repaint the faded curb, and fill the empty tree well with concrete for safety. 
Macdonald Avenue & 4th Street (58250) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 681 Repair the sidewalk and extend the painted curb to discourage illegal parking. 1 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 7th Street (55488) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 76, 376, 607, 667, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 8th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and expand the sidewalk to accommodate a bus bulb. 
Macdonald Avenue & 7th Street (54552) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 76, 376, 607, 667, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 8th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and expand the sidewalk to accommodate a bus bulb. 3 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 20th Street (53183) EASTBOUND Lines 71, 72M, 74, 376, 667, 676, 684, 800 Upgrade one curb ramp. 
Macdonald Avenue & 21st Street (55118) WESTBOUND Lines 71, 72M, 74, 376, 667, 676, 684, 800 Relocate the bus stop to 21st Street immediately past the intersection. 1 added 
Macdonald Avenue & 23rd Street (54644) WESTBOUND Lines 71, 72M, 74, 376, 667, 800 Relocate the stop to 22nd Street before the intersection, upgrade the curb ramp and install a bus bulb. 4 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 23rd Street (55845) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Upgrade two curb ramps, install a bus shelter and install a bus bulb. 
Macdonald Avenue & 25th Street (52055) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop past the intersection, repair the sidewalk, close the western driveway, install a bench and upgrade one curb ramp. 1 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 25th Street (59411) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop past the intersection, upgrade the curb ramp and repair the sidewalk. 4 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 27th Street (55154) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Repair the sidewalk. 1 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & Civic Center Plaza (50866) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop to 27th Street immediately before the intersection, install a bus bulb and upgrade the curb ramp. 
Macdonald Avenue & 30th Street (52021) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop to 31st Street past the intersection, repair the sidewalk, construct a bus bulb, upgrade two curb ramps and remove the midblock crosswalk and associated curb ramps. 2 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 30th Street (54504) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop past the intersection, remove the southeast curb ramp and construct a southwest curb ramp. 3 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & Harry Ells Place (53583) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 681, 800 Relocate bus stop further east to optimize service and install a bench. 2 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 33rd Street (53138) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Install a bus shelter and construct a bus bulb. 
Macdonald Avenue & 37th Street (52316) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Construct a new bus bulb. 2 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 37th Street (52193) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Construct a new bus bulb and install a bench. 2 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & 39th Street (54514) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Remove the bus stop as part of bus spacing optimization. 
Macdonald Avenue & Wilson Avenue (52032) WESTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Relocate the bus stop past the intersection, install a bus shelter and plant a tree in the tree well. 4 removed 
Macdonald Avenue & San Pablo Avenue (58892) EASTBOUND Lines 72M, 667, 800 Widen the sidewalk and remove the dead tree from the tree well. 

*Subject to change during the design and public outreach process

Cutting Boulevard*

Bus Stops (Bus Stop ID) Direction Impacted Service Proposed Changes Parking Spaced Added/Removed 
Cutting Boulevard & Harbour Way S (55123) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Upgrade one curb ramp and install a bench. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 11th Street (56614) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Upgrade two curb ramps, construct a bus shelter, repair the sidewalk and construct a queue jump lane. 2 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & Marina Way S. (54848) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Upgrade one curb ramp, repaint the faded curb to discourage illegal parking and repair the existing lighting. 2 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & Marina Way S. (52528) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Upgrade one curb ramp, repair the sidewalk, install a bus shelter and fill in the empty tree well with concrete for safety. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 17th Street (58578) EASTBOUND Lines 76,675, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 16th Street immediately past the intersection, upgrade one curb ramp and fill the landscape strip with concrete for safety. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 17th Street (55714) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 675, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 17th Street immediately past the intersection and fill in the passenger boarding area with concrete for safety. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 20th Street (51995) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 675, 681 Extend the bus stop, upgrade one curb ramp and fill in the landscape strip for the passenger boarding area with concrete for safety. 2 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 20th Street (51995) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 675, 681 Repair the sidewalk and upgrade one curb ramp. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 23rd Street (54456) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Upgrade one curb ramp and install a bus shelter.  
Cutting Boulevard & S. 23rd Street (55135) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Relocate stop further east, upgrade one curb ramp, install a bus shelter and construct a queue jump lane. 1 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 26th Street (50565) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675, 681 Relocate the stop to 26th Street immediately after the intersection and construct one new curb ramp. 2 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 26th Street (56676) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 26th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus bulb, repair the sidewalk and install a bus shelter. 
Cutting Boulevard & Spring Street (56998) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675, 681 Repair the sidewalk, relocate the stop to 30th Street immediately past the intersection and upgrade one curb ramp. 
Cutting Boulevard & 31st Street (51518) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 31st Street immediately past the intersection, upgrade one curb ramp and install a bench.  
Cutting Boulevard & Carlson Boulevard (54574) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Install a bus bulb, repair the sidewalk, install a bus shelter and narrow the existing driveway. 3 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 35th Street (54494) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675, 681 Relocate the bus stop to 35th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and repair the sidewalk. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 36th Street (53386) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675 Combine with Bus Stop #54244 and move to 37th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and install a bus bulb.  
Cutting Boulevard & S. 37th Street (55383) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675 Extend the sidewalk with concrete to install a bus bulb, fill in the landscape strip with concrete for safety, remove the existing bench and replace it with a new bench. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 38th Street (54244) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675 Combine with Bus Stop #55383 and move to 37th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and install a bus bulb. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 41st Street (58989) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675 Install a bus shelter, repair the sidewalk, fill in the empty tree well with concrete for safety and repair existing lighting. 4 removed 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 41st Street (42191) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675 Fill in the passenger boarding area with concrete for safety, install a bus bulb and repair the existing lighting.  
Cutting Boulevard & S. 45th Street (54548) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675 Relocate the stop to 45th Street immediately past the intersection, install a bus shelter and fill in the boarding area with concrete to create a safe place for passengers to board. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 45th Street (55012) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 675 Fill in the passenger boarding area with concrete for safety. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 49th Street (50199) EASTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675 Repair the sidewalk, expand the passenger boarding area and repair the existing lighting. 
Cutting Boulevard & S. 49th Street (56698) WESTBOUND Lines 76, 376, 580, 580X, 675 Repair the sidewalk and expand the passenger boarding area. 

*Subject to change during the design and public outreach process

Project Schedule

  • Fall 2024 through Spring 2025: Development of Project Design & Public Outreach Efforts 
  • Public Outreach Kick-Off Event: December 2024 
  • Public Outreach Follow-Up Event: March 2025 
  • Summer 2025 to early Spring 2026: Construction 

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