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Standing Committees of the Board

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Standing Committees of the Board

Operations Committee
Jean Walsh, Chair
The Operations Committee  shall be responsible for reviewing all activities associated with the operation of the District’s bus service and administrative business functions.  In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s operational and personnel policies.
External Affairs Committee
H.E. Christian Peeples, Chair
The External Affairs Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all activities associated with promoting the District’s interests primarily through legislation, marketing, customer services, and community outreach.  In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s administrative and legal policies.
Planning Committee
Joel Young, Chair
The Planning Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all planning, construction and engineering activities, including the development of new and modifications to existing bus service provided by the District to its customers.  In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Board’s service development, planning, environmental and Title VI policies.
Finance & Audit Committee
Murphy McCalley, Chair
The Finance and Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing issues involving District financial matters primarily the preparation of the operating and capital budgets, mid-year adjustments and review of the audited financial statements.  In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for the oversight of the Board’s fiscal policies.
AC Transit Financing Corporation
Annual December Meeting
The AC Transit Financing Corporation became incorporated under the laws of the State of California on May 6, 1988. The Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is organized pursuant to the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law of the Sate of California for the purpose of rendering financial assistance to the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) by financing, refinancing, acquiring, constructing, improving, leasing and selling of buildings, building improvements, equipment and other public improvements, lands and any other real or personal property for benefits of residents of the District and surrounding areas, to promote the common good and welfare of residents of the District and surrounding areas, and to borrow the necessary funds.