Wi-Fi on Transbay Buses

Wi-Fi is available on all of AC Transit’s green Gillig commuter buses, the MCI buses (the big, green commuter coaches) that provide service across the Bay Bridge and Dumbarton Bridge, and the double decker buses serving San Francisco. Wi-Fi equipped buses have a ”Wi-Fi On Board” decal on the front door and on the back of the bus. Using your Wi-Fi enabled device, you can send e-mails, surf the web, or download files from the comfort of your seat while you commute to and from work.
Acceptable Use Policy & Disclaimer
By using AC Transit’s on board Wi-Fi service and logging on to this network, you are agreeing that you will not use this service to violate any applicable law or regulation.
All that is being provided through AC Transit’s Wi-Fi service is “free” Internet access. AC Transit is not providing security, support or related services, and all questions regarding these topics, and whether and how a user should use the service, should be directed to an IT professional familiar with the user’s hardware, software, and/or use policies.
By using AC Transit’s on board Wi-Fi service, you assume all risks associated with the use of this service, including but not limited to, any risk to your device, software, or data of being damaged by any virus, software, or any other file which might be transmitted or activated due to use of the service. You should be aware that the network may be required to disclose data related to the use of this service if it is served with a legal subpoena or court order.
AC Transit shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, resulting from the use or misuse of this service. By using the free Internet service provided by AC Transit, you are agreeing to the disclaimer set forth above.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a cost to use the Wi-Fi service?
No, this is a free service and there are no registration requirements.
How will I know if my bus is Wi-Fi-enabled?
Wi-Fi service is available on all green Gillig commuter buses, the MCI buses (the big, green commuter coaches) bearing the “Wi-Fi On Board” decal, and the double decker buses. Since not all Transbay trips are served by these buses, it is not guaranteed that you will have Wi-Fi equipped bus for your particular trip.
What equipment do I need to use Wi-Fi?
To use the service, your device (laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc.) must be Wi-Fi enabled. Both PCs and Macs can be used. Using AC Transit’s Wi-Fi service is similar to connecting with other wireless Internet services in office buildings or other wireless hot spots.
How do I connect?
In most instances, launching an Internet browser will automatically open the AC Transit Welcome Page. This Welcome Page indicates that you have successfully connected to the free AC Transit Wi-Fi service and to the Internet.
If you don’t automatically connect, you may have to manually connect to the Wi-Fi access point.
- On the green Gillig commuter buses, the access point is called “AC_FreeWiFi” followed by the bus number.
- On MCI buses (the big, green commuter coaches), the access point is called “ac_transit_wifi_bus”.
- On the double decker buses, the access point is called AC_FreeWiFi_, followed by the coach number of the double decker.
By selecting “connect automatically,” you should be able to connect to the AC Transit Wi-Fi network each subsequent time you are on a Wi-Fi equipped bus and start up your device. For advanced instructions on how to set or modify your Wi-Fi network connections, please consult the manual or contact technical support for your particular wireless device.
Is Wi-Fi available when the bus is not moving?
For Wi-Fi service to be enabled, the bus engine must be running. Once the bus engine is turned off, Wi-Fi service will be disconnected. Bus operators follow strict protocol regarding engine idling in the Transbay Temporary Terminal and cannot accommodate requests to keep the engine on.
What about bandwidth and network speed?
Wi-Fi service can accommodate basic Internet browsing, checking and sending e-mails, streaming multi-media, downloads, and file transfers. Due to the characteristics of the cellular network, there may be locations where service is intermittent or unavailable. In addition, overall connection speed may be affected by the number of Wi-Fi users on the bus.
What do I do if I’m having trouble using the service?
If you have tried unsuccessfully to connect to the Internet, or service has been interrupted and you’re unable to reconnect, you should report the problem to AC Transit by completing a “customer feedback” form at actransit.org/feedback (click on the type of input you wish to give). Please do not ask the bus operator for assistance with your Wi-Fi connection. Operators are not in a position to evaluate and fix Internet-related problems.