Ward Redistricting

For information about the Seven-Ward Redistricting process, go here.
What is Redistricting?
Redistricting is the process of adjusting ward boundaries in order to equalize populations following the federal census, which is conducted every ten years. The process is governed by federal and state laws as well as a Board Resolution which sets forth the procedures for fixing the boundaries of the five wards. The resolution requires that the five wards be as nearly equal in population as practicable, and in establishing the wards, that the Board recognize the importance of providing members of racial and ethnic minority groups the same opportunity to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice as other members of the electorate.
To find out what ward you live in go here. In drawing new boundaries, the following factors must also be considered to the extent practicable:
- Community of interest of the population of the ward;
- Maintaining the geographic compactness, cohesiveness, and contiguity of the ward;
- Maintaining geographic integrity by keeping cities, and census-designated places (unincorporated areas) intact;
- Topography by drawing lines that are easily understood using the natural and physical features of an area; and
- Geography
Public Hearings
Public hearings will be set by the Board of Directors and are an opportunity for the community to provide input to the Board in a public Board meeting. The Board will consider the final ward plan(s) at the last public hearing scheduled for March of 2022.
To request interpretation services, please call the District Secretary’s Office at (510) 891-7201 at least five business days prior to any meeting.

Ward Redistricting Public Hearing
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Time: 6 pm
Meeting information:
Call-in: (669) 900 6833
Webinar ID: 984 8717 5063

Ward Redistricting Public Hearing
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Time: 6 pm
Meeting information:
Call-in: (669) 900 6833
Webinar ID: 984 8717 5063
Why is redistricting important?
Every ten years a redistricting is conducted to redraw lines to ensure equal population and fair representation. The public has a voice in how the lines are drawn, and we want to hear from you.
What is the Process?
Individuals and/or community groups are encouraged to participate in the redistricting process. A series of community meetings will be held throughout the District where various redistricting plans will be reviewed and public input sought. These community meetings are proposed for mid to late January 2022.
What is a "Community of Interest"?
A “Community of Interest” is a contiguous population which shares common social and economic interests that should be included within a single ward for purposes of its effective and fair representation. Some examples of relevant social and economic characteristics include, but are not limited to:
- Income Levels
- Educational Backgrounds
- Housing Patterns
- Cultural and Language Characteristics
- Employment and Economic Patterns
- Health and Environmental Conditions
Communities of Interest is a designation that is more subjective than the demographic information collected through the census. As a result, the District is calling upon residents to disclose the Communities of Interest in which they identify.
The Board of Directors will set public hearings on the final proposal(s) for their regular meetings in March 2022, and it is expected that a final plan will be considered for adoption by the Board in late March.
Reports & Supporting Documents
- Staff Report 21-029 Redistricting Project (September 22, 2021)
- Resolution No. 21-033 (September 22, 2021)
- Staff Report 21-029a Redistricting Project - Outreach Plan (October 27, 2021)
- Staff Report 21-029b Redistricting Project Update (November 10, 2021)
- Staff Report 21-029c Draft Redistricting Plans (December 8, 2021)
- Staff Report 21-029d Redistricting Plans and Set Public Hearing (February 9, 2022)
- Staff Report 21-029e AC Transit Ward Redistricting (February 23, 2022)
- Staff Report 21-029f Public Hearing on Final Draft Plan (March 9, 2022)
- Staff Report 21-029g Public Hearing and Adoption of Final Plan (March 23, 2022)
Redistricting Plan Alternatives
Final Plan 3A (For Comment and Consideration in a Public Board Meeting on March 23, 2022)
Make A Map
Use AC Transit’s free mapping tool to draw and submit ward maps, ward boundaries, and communities of interest.
* Survey is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
Public Workshops
Public workshops will be conducted virtually by AC Transit staff for the communities of Oakland, Berkeley, San Leandro and Hayward. The purpose of the workshops is to engage and seek input from the AC Transit riders and the general public on communities of interest and any boundary plans in the affected cities.
To request interpretation services, please call the District Secretary’s Office at (510) 891-7201 at least five business days prior to any meeting.

Contact Us
Email your comments/feedback to districtsecretary@actransit.org.
Information found on this website can be provided in an alternative format upon request. Please contact the District Secretary's Office at (510) 891-7201 to speak to a representative or to submit your request in writing click here. AC Transit will do its best to provide the requested alternative format within a reasonable time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is redistricting?
Redistricting is the process of adjusting ward boundaries in order to equalize populations following the federal census, which is conducted every ten years. The process is governed by federal and state laws as well as a Board Resolution which sets forth the procedures for fixing the boundaries of the five wards.
Why does redistricting matter to me?
The public has a voice in how ward boundaries are drawn. You have an opportunity to share with the Board of Directors how you think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent your community.
What do the existing wards boundaries look like and which ward do I live in?
You can view a map of the AC Transits wards and type in your address and find out which ward you reside in.
What criteria will be considered when drawing ward boundaries?
In establishing the boundaries of the wards, the following criteria will be considered, to the extent practicable:
- Equal population;
- Community of interest of the population of the ward;
- Maintaining the compactness, cohesiveness, and contiguity of the ward;
- Maintaining integrity of the ward by keeping cities, and census-designated places (unincorporated areas) intact;
- Topography by drawing lines that are easily understood using the artificial and natural physical features of an area; and
- Geography.
How will AC Transit notify the public about redistricting?
AC Transit has created an accessible website that features public information on the Redistricting Process, including Public Workshops and Hearings, Reports and Supporting Documents, Redistricting Proposals and mapping tool. A Community of Interest Survey is also available. Go to this page to review the Public Outreach Plan.
How can I get involved?
AC Transit riders, community groups and the general public are encouraged to participate in the redistricting public process, including attending Public Workshops, Public Hearings and public Board meetings; actively engage by providing public comment (in writing or live), and by submitting draft maps.
Information about Public Workshops and Public Hearings is available on the redistricting page.
How do I sign up to get updates on redistricting?
To receive email updates subscribe to eNews.
Where can I submit comments?
Comments can be submitted by:
- Email at districtsecretary@actransit.org
- Phone (510) 891-7201
- Attend a Public Workshop
- In writing to District Secretary, AC Transit General Office, 1600 Franklin Street, Oakland, California 94612
Where can I submit draft maps?
AC Transit is providing a free, web-based mapping tool/application so that individuals and community groups can prepare and submit draft district map(s). This application is currently in process and will available at a later date. Go to Make a Map for updates.