AC Transit Realign
On October 9, the AC Transit Board of Directors voted to approve the Realign Final Network Plan. Find the Final Network Plan in the resources below, or visit the Draft Final Plan page for more tools to explore the near-final draft. Realign implementation is slated to launch as soon as August 2025. Stay tuned for updates to the launch timeline. This page will be updated in Spring 2025.

Realign Draft Final Plan
The AC Transit Realign Draft Final Plan prioritizes bus lines serving transit dependent communities, improves reliability, and optimizes service efficiency while allowing for potential future growth. The Draft Final Plan suggests several types of changes to our service, including re-routing lines, combining or potentially eliminating others, and frequency and service hour adjustments. All proposed changes to bus lines are identified in the Plan with the label "DF.”

Unconstrained Vision Scenario
With direction from the AC Transit Board of Directors, an unconstrained vision as presented during Phase 3 will be moved forward on a longer timeframe than the immediate service changes. This extended time will allow for staff and community focus on the near-term Realign Plan as well as provide additional time to refine an unconstrained vision plan for Board and community consideration after an updated Service Standard Policy is approved. These recommendations will follow a separate process in early 2025.

Service Standards
In summer of 2024, the Realign project team will update AC Transit’s service standards. This effort will take all public input received over the course of the project and combine it with the latest planning practices to draft a blueprint for how the agency will plan service and measure its performance now and into the future.
Meetings & Events

Realign Public Hearing (Virtual)
Date: September 9
Time: 6 pm

Realign Public Hearing (Virtual)
Date: September 10
Time: 9 am

Realign Public Hearing (Hybrid)
Date: September 11
Time: 2 pm

Realign Public Hearing (Hybrid)
Date: September 11
Time: 6 pm
Past Events
Event Date | Time | Activity | Location |
8/7/2024 | 9 am | BART ILC Meeting | HYBRID: East Bay Paratransit Office, Community Room, 1750 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612 Zoom link Tel: 877 369 0926 Webinar ID: 980 1988 5781 |
8/7/2024 | 5 pm | AC Transit Board Meeting: Set Realign Public Hearing/Draft Final Service Plan | Hybrid |
8/10/2024 | 10 am - 7 pm | Laurel Street Fair | MacArthur Blvd. bet. 35th Ave & Maybelle Ave, Oakland, CA 94619 |
8/10/2024 | 10 am. - 2 pm | Supply Bank Backpack Giveaway | San Pablo Park, 2800 Park St., Berkeley, CA 94702 |
8/10/2024 | 1:30 pm - 3 pm | Realign - Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) Meeting #5 | |
8/13/2024 | 6 pm | Eden Area MAC Announcement | San Lorenzo Library, 395 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo, CA 94580 |
8/14/2024 | 7 pm | El Sobrante MAC Announcement | El Sobrante Library (4191 Appian Way, El Sobrante, CA 94803) and Zoom (fill in Zoom details) |
8/15/2024 | 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Downtown Hayward Street Party | B Street & Main Street, Hayward CA |
8/18/2024 | 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | Festival of the Globe - India Day Parade | Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA |
8/19/2024 | 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Mayor of Oakland's Commission on Persons with Disabilities (MCPD) | Hearing Room 1 (Dunakin Room), 1st floor of Oakland City Hall |
8/19/2024 | 6 pm | Piedmont City Council Announcement | City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611 |
8/19/2024 | 6 pm | San Pablo City Council Announcement | 1000 Gateway Avenue, San Pablo, CA 94806 |
8/19/2024 | 6 pm | Castro Valley MAC Announcement | Castro Valley Library, 3600 Norbridge Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546 |
8/20/2024 | 6 pm | El Cerrito City Council Announcement | El Cerrito City Hall, 10890 San Pablo Ave., El Cerrito, CA 94530 |
8/20/2024 | 7:15 pm | Emeryville City Council Announcement | 1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608 |
8/21/2024 | 6:30 pm | BART ILC Meeting | Open Door United Methodist Church- 6226 Arlington Boulevard, Richmond, CA. Zoom: |
8/24/2024 | 9 am - 5 pm | Oakland Chinatown Streetfest | 9th Street and Franklin, Oakland, CA 94607 |
8/27/2024 | 6:30 pm | Richmond City Council Announcement | 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 |
9/3/2024 | 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm | East Bay Paratransit Access Committee (EBPAC) | Hybrid Meeting: 1750 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612. Zoom: TBD |
9/3/2024 | 5 pm | North Richmond MAC Announcement | North Richmond Senior Center: 515 Silver Ave, Richmond, CA 94801 or |
9/3/2024 | 7 pm | Hayward City Council Announcement | Hayward City Hall - 2nd Floor, 777 B Street, Haward, CA 94541 |
9/3/2024 | 7 pm | Alameda City Council Announcement | City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501 |
9/3/2024 | 7 pm | Fremont City Council Announcement | Fremont City Hall, Building A, 3300 Capitol Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538 |
9/4/2024 | 10 am | City of Oakland ILC | HYBRID: AC Transit, 1600 Franklin St., 2nd Floor Board Room, Oakland, CA 94612 Zoom link Phone (669) 900 6833 Webinar ID: 870 1139 8495 |
9/5/2024 | 9 am | City of Alameda ILC | HYBRID: City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 360, Alameda, CA 94501 Zoom link Phone 877 369 0926 Webinar ID: 917 5017 6813 |
9/6/2024 | 10 am | City of Hayward ILC | HYBRID: City Hall, Conference Room 2A - 777 B Street, Hayward, CA 94541 Zoom link Phone 877 369 0926 Webinar ID: 949 9987 2586 |
9/7/2024 | 10 am - 6 pm | Castro Valley Fall Festival | On Castro Valley Blvd between Redwood Rd & Santa Maria |
9/8/2024 | 9 am - 5 pm | Solano Stroll | On Solano Avenue in Albany & Berkeley |
9/8/2024 | 10 am - 3 pm | Oakland Pride Parade and Festival | Starts at Broadway & 14th Street (Oakland City Hall) and ends at Broadway & 20th Street |
9/9/2024 | 6 pm | AC Transit Realign Public Hearing #1- Staff led | Zoom link Phone: (669) 219 2599 Webinar ID: 882 3170 7039 |
9/9/2024 | 7 pm | San Leandro City Council Announcement | San Leandro Civic Center, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 |
9/10/2024 | 9 am | AC Transit Realign Public Hearing #2 - Staff led | Zoom link Phone: (669) 219 2599 Webinar ID: 882 3170 7039 |
9/10/2024 | 1 pm | AC Transit GM Access Committee (GMAC) | HYBRID: 1750 Broadway, Community Room, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (877) 369 0926 Webinar ID: 934 1376 1483 |
9/10/2024 | 6 pm | Berkeley City Council Announcement | 1231 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94702 |
9/11/2024 | 2 pm | AC Transit Realign Public Hearing #3 - Board led | HYBRID: 1600 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor Board Room, Oakland 94612 or Phone (669) 900 6833 Webinar ID: 984 8717 5063 |
9/11/2024 | 6 pm | AC Transit Realign Public Hearing #4 - Board led | HYBRID: 1600 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor Board Room, Oakland 94612 or Phone (669) 900 6833 Webinar ID: 984 8717 5063 |
Additional Resources

Additional Resources
- Interactive Story Map on Existing Conditions
- Existing Conditions Executive Summary
- Service Profile
- Market Analysis
- Origin-Destination Analysis Memo
- Ridership Summary Memo
- Individual Route Profiles (Fall 2019)
- Individual Route Profiles (Fall 2022)
- Survey Results Technical Memo
- Outreach and Engagement Summary
- Guiding Principles Memo
- Balanced Coverage Scenario
- Frequent Service Scenario
- Realign Data
- Draft Service Proposal (January 2024)
- Realign Overview Fact Sheet
- Final Network Plan (Approved, October 2024)

Board of Directors Meeting Materials
- June 5, 2024 Board of Directors Special Meeting
- March 13, 2024 Board Meeting Presentation (Timeline update plus consultant extension) | Video
- January 24, 2024 Board Meeting Presentation
- December 13, 2023 Board Meeting Presentation
- November 1, 2023 Board Workshop Presentation
- September 13, 2023 Board Meeting Presentation
- July 26, 2023 Board Workshop Presentation
- July 26, 2023 Board Meeting Financial Update
- June 28, 2023 Board Meeting Presentation
- May 24, 2023 Board Meeting Presentation
- April 26, 2023 Board Meeting Presentation
What is Realign?
Realign is a comprehensive assessment of every AC Transit bus line in response to the substantial shifts in ridership and commute patterns since the pandemic. By collecting data and public feedback, Realign aims to introduce a new equity-focused bus network designed to increase ridership and service reliability.
In Spring 2023, Realign began with extensive community outreach, which shaped the development of its guiding principles: Equity, Reliability, and Frequency. AC Transit subsequently developed three draft service scenarios – Balanced, Frequent, and Unconstrained Vision – publicly presented in the fall of 2023.
- Assess today’s travel patterns and the community’s current AC Transit service needs.
- Implement an inclusive planning process that incorporates quantitative and qualitative data along with rider and community feedback – including the voices of hard-to-reach equity communities.
- Align service schedules, coverage, and frequencies based on major needs identified by the community, riders, travel pattern data, finances, and workforce availability.
- Update our service standards with best practices for the design of our bus service.

Why Realign?
Ridership has not rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, with more people working remotely or adopting hybrid work models. The decline in ridership directly corresponds with a reduction in farebox and local tax revenues, which are essential for funding operations. AC Transit's bus network faces additional challenges due to unstable state and federal funding and the difficulty recruiting frontline employees, particularly Bus Operators. Due to these financial constraints, Realign is a resource-neutral plan that requires tradeoffs within its proposed recommendations.
Phases & Timeline*
*Timeline is preliminary and subject to change

Phase 1 - Develop Plans and Learn Rider Needs
Dates: March - June 2023
Realign begins with a thorough analysis of current AC Transit service area conditions. The habits, needs, concerns, and priorities of riders and community members will be identified during this phase through quantitative data review, customer survey responses, and feedback through robust outreach. This phase encourages survey participation, which begins April 17, 2023. The survey will help us understand what’s important, identify priority destinations/connections, and weigh trade-offs/priorities that will inform the development of a draft set of guiding principles.

Phase 2 - Aligning Guiding Principles with Community Assessment
Dates: July - August 2023
This phase will solicit and incorporate feedback from riders, community members and AC Transit’s Board of Directors on the draft guiding principles developed from information gathered in Phase 1. In this phase, a final Guiding Principles document will be adopted by the Board and will establish the support, clarity, and direction for the development of Realign (new bus service network plan).

Phase 3 - Develop Service Scenarios and Gather Feedback
Dates: September - December 2023
Based on the feedback and direction from the first two phases, this phase presents draft service scenarios that offer alternative configurations of AC Transit’s routes and schedules throughout our service area. This is an important opportunity for our riders and community to provide feedback on these service scenarios.

Phase 4 - Draft Final Service Plan and Plan Adoption
Dates: January - October 2024
Following the comprehensive review of data and community input on the draft scenarios, a draft Final Service Plan will be created, including an extensive update to AC Transit’s Service Standards. The draft Final Service Plan will be shared with the community during a formal public comment process. The Realign process will culminate with review and a formal vote by the AC Transit Board of Directors. An Equity Analysis (under Title VI of the American Civil Rights Act) will ensure that any negative impacts on both minority and low-income populations will be identified and presented for approval on a parallel track.

Phase 5 - Develop Service Standards and Inform Riders about Service Changes
Dates: October 2024 - April 2025
Once the Final Service Plan and updated Service Standards are approved, the new service is expected to begin in March 2025. In this final phase, robust promotion will educate riders and community members on how to use the new service network. The updated service policies and standards will help guide future planning and monitoring of AC Transit’s service network. These standards, including hours, days of operation, frequency, and location of bus routes, will guide how service we will operate on the streets and in neighborhoods throughout the AC Transit service area. The standards are based upon multiple factors, including equity, land use, population density, access to jobs, commercial activity, and major attractors such as schools, hospitals, and grocery stores.