Durant Avenue Project
AC Transit and the City of Berkeley recognize the importance of providing and promoting quality transit operations along key corridors like Durant and in the Southside neighborhood. Current transit service along Durant Avenue consists of multiple AC Transit local lines, school bus lines, and an all-nighter bus line (6, 36, 51B, 79, 604, 605 and 851), which connect students, educators, visitors, and residents from the University and the Southside area to downtown Oakland, Emeryville, Alameda, and El Cerrito. The corridor is also one of the most vibrant neighborhoods in Berkeley, home to restaurants, bars, shops, student housing, and campus buildings, among many others. The dynamic mixed traffic flow and parking behavior along this corridor often cause delays to transit service schedule, diminishing transit service reliability and impeding rider access.
The Durant Transit Lane Quick Build Project, led by AC Transit, in partnership with the City of Berkeley, will deliver roadway reconfigurations, bus stop improvements, and traffic signal modifications to Durant Avenue between Fulton Street and College Avenue. These modifications aim to reduce traffic congestion, improve transit reliability, promote transit use, and promote safety and accessibility.
Construction for this Project is scheduled to begin in Summer 2024 and end by Fall 2024. Construction crews will install a red transit-only lane with minimal repaving, construct curb extensions (bus bulbs) at bus stops, upgrade traffic signals and reinstall landscaping. During construction, travel lanes will be shifted to allow room for the crews to work.
- Bus Station Temporary Closures: For notifications of planned stop closures, sign up for alerts at actransit.org/subscribe or use ACT RealTime at http://actransit.org/rt
- Contact the Quick Build Community Outreach Team: For comments or questions, please reach out to the Project team:
- Email: quickbuild@vsceinc.com
- Phone: 800-429-9940
How to Prepare
- Deliveries: Please plan accordingly. Adjust deliveries for a different day or on a side street.
- Parking: Identify alternative parking locations in advance.
- Driving: Reduce speed in construction zones and pay attention to construction personnel and equipment.
Construction Schedule
Activity | Approximate Construction Start | Approximate Duration |
Sawcutting | August 2024 | 2-3 days |
Road Construction | August 2024 | 2-3 months |
Landscaping | October - November 2024 | 1 week per intersection |
Striping and Signal Installation | November 2024 | 2 weeks |
Bus Shelter Installation | October - November 2024 | 3 weeks |
Traffic Signal Modification | October - November 2024 | 3 weeks |
Dates and times are approximate and subject to change. Mailed notifications will be sent approximately two weeks in advance of construction activities at a given location.
Project Area
Durant Avenue – Between Fulton Street and College Avenue.
Project Objectives
Enhance transit operations and amenities along Durant Avenue:
- Increasing transit-time reliability by improving travel times
- Reduce conflicts between buses and general-purpose vehicles
- Improve safety and quality of existing bus stops
- Streamline pick-up and drop-off operations
Project Elements
Roadway reconfiguration – Fulton Street to College Avenue
- Transit Lane – Convert one general purpose lane to a bus-only lane through pavement markings and red paint (budget allowing)
Bus Stop Modifications
- Bus Boarding Bulbs - Convert three existing bus stops to bus boarding bulbs to streamline drop-off and boarding operations. Bus boarding bulbs create an in-lane stop which prevent the need for buses to pull-out and merge back into traffic.
- Bus Shelters and Amenities - Implement bus shelters and other bus stop amenities such as pedestrian-scale lighting to provide transit users a more comfortable and secure experience while waiting and promote transit as a desirable mobility option for users.
Traffic Signal Modifications – College Avenue / Durant Avenue
- Queue Jump - Implement a queue jump signal to provide a “head start” for buses continuing right onto College Avenue or straight on Durant Avenue.
- Signal Phasing - Modify signal phasing to eliminate westbound right-turn vehicle conflict with College Avenue pedestrian movement.
Project Schedule
- November 2022 – March 2023: Project Development
- November 2023: Complete Design
- Summer 2024 to Fall 2024: Construction
For more information about AC Transit’s Quick Build Project visit actransit.org/quick-builds. You can also sign up to receive project updates and other AC Transit-related news and information at actransit.org/subscribe.

Funding Partners:
- City of Berkeley
- AC Transit
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
- Caltrans
- US Department of Transportation

Virtual Community Public Meeting
AC Transit remains committed to informing and engaging community stakeholders such as yourself during the project. On December 14, 2023, staff from AC Transit, the City of Berkeley, and the design team, Kimley-Horn, presented project updates and engaged with the community to deliver and implement this project.
Contact Information
Email: planning@actransit.org
Mailing Address:
AC Transit
Service Planning Department
1600 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 891-7262
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be any changes or interruptions to transit service during construction?
Buses are expected to run on our regular schedule, but temporary bus stop relocation may occur near the construction zone. Information related to transit service interruptions will be posted at bus stops near the construction zone. Please subscribe to eNews for the most updated bus line information and check notices posted at your bus stop.
Will there be any impact to on-street parking?
No comprehensive changes to on-street parking are proposed as a part of this project. However, the City of Berkeley’s Curb Management Project will include changes to parking time limits and designations. For more information about the City’s Curb Management Project, please visit https://berkeleyca.gov/your-government/our-work/capital-projects/durant-avenue-curb-management-strategy. Two metered on-street parking spaces will be removed at both the Dana Street and College Avenue bus stop locations in order to implement the new bus stop boarding bulbs. There may be temporary impacts to parking during construction. Signs will be posted noting the impacted dates x hours in advance of any temporary closures.
How is this project being funded?
This project is led by AC Transit with funds from City of Berkeley, MTC and other State and Federal grants.
How can I provide input?
AC Transit and the City of Oakland will be partnering on outreach to residents and businesses near the locations included in the Quick Build project.
How can I report an issue?
For comments or questions, please reach out to the Project:
Email: quickbuild@vsceinc.com
Phone: 800-429-9940
In addition, mailers and door hangers will be distributed to those who work, live, and/or own businesses or property close to the proposed project area prior to construction.
Please also submit your comments to:
Email: planning@actransit.org
Phone: (510) 891-7262
AC Transit
Service Planning and Development Department
1600 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94612