Quick Build International Blvd Project
Construction is complete, and this project is now in the evaluation stage.
As of October 2024, construction on the Quick Build International Blvd. project has been completed. The images below show new vertical post delineators and pavement markings that create new bus-only lane striping along International Blvd., as well as new 25 mph speed limit signs.

AC Transit operates a single bus line along International Boulevard: Line 1T - Tempo Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Tempo serves approximately 15,000 riders on weekdays and 8,300 riders on weekends, along one of Oakland's most densely populated and culturally diverse regions. It emulates the frequency typically associated with light rail systems yet ingeniously uses buses.
Before the introduction of Tempo, the commute from the San Leandro Transit Center to Uptown Oakland could take as long as two hours. However, with the advent of Tempo, the entire trip now takes a mere 50 minutes during peak hours. This reduction in travel time is made possible by a dedicated bus lane and advanced traffic signal technology, which minimizes delays at intersections. The Tempo construction also included numerous curb-to-curb safety improvements.
Operations and Safety Improvements
Drivers are reminded that the bus only lane is reserved for AC Transit buses and emergency vehicles only. All other use is subject to citations and fines.
To deter unauthorized driving in Tempo’s bus only lanes and enhance safety, AC Transit secured a $400,000 “Quick Build” grant. This funding spearheaded the Quick Build preliminary study and the implementation of safety measures along the section of International Boulevard from 14th to 42nd Avenues. The City of Oakland contributed an additional $1.8 million to expand the project to 107th Avenue, with a focus on locations that have been identified by the city as being prone to severe and fatal crashes. This will lead to roadway improvements that cover 75% of the corridor. Here are some of the treatments:
- Yellow vertical posts every 10 feet to clearly separate directions of travel.
- White vertical posts every 15 feet between the BUS ONLY lane and general travel lanes.
- White painted text on pavement to emphasize BUS ONLY lane.
- White painted arrows on pavement to emphasize permissible turns.
- All-new BUS ONLY lane violation and fines signage.
- All-new traffic enforcement Speed Limit signs.
Project Schedule
- Community Outreach – Ongoing
- Project Development – Completed Spring 2023
- Treatment & Segment Identification – Completed Summer 2023
- Final Design – Fall 2023
Data and public feedback will be reviewed to help evaluate the project’s effectiveness and determine applicable project elements and other improvements along other portions of International Boulevard.
Funding Partners
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
- City of Oakland (Alameda CTC Measure BB funds)
- Federal Transit Administration
Contact Information
For construction questions, comments or concerns, please contact:
Email: quickbuild@vsceinc.com
Phone: 800-429-9940
For general project comments:
Email: planning@actransit.org
Mailing Address:
AC Transit
Service Planning Department
1600 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 891-7262

Public Meeting
AC Transit and the Oakland Department of Transportation conducted a virtual public meeting on November 30, 2023 to provide additional project information and answer questions.
By signing up at actransit.org/subscribe, you can also access additional AC Transit news and information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is construction?
Construction will last approximately two (2) months in Summer 2024. The International Blvd. Quick Build Outreach Team will be walking the corridor from 14th Avenue to 107th Avenue on International Blvd. to share more specific information with residents, businesses and property owners, on the upcoming construction impacts and additional project details.
When will my Bus Stop or Station be closed?
To protect everyone’s safety, some bus stops and Tempo bus stations may temporarily close. Stations will promptly reopen when work is complete. For planned bus station and stop closures, use Service Notices or sign up for AC Transit eNews.
How can I report an issue?
- Email: quickbuild@vsceinc.com
- Phone: 800-429-9940
How will trash pickup be affected?
If construction impedes trash or recycling pick-up, you can contact Waste Management at https://www.wm.com/us/en/support or by phone at 510-613-8710.
How will I receive deliveries?
Loading zones may be temporarily closed, so we encourage you to schedule deliveries to avoid days when work is scheduled on your block or arrange for deliveries during non-construction hours. Construction is scheduled for Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Work may also occur on Saturdays if required. No construction on Sundays.
How will parking be impacted?
Parking may be restricted in the construction zones. Affected locations will be noticed 72 hours in advance. To avoid being towed, please do not park in restricted areas.
What is a Quick Build project?
A Quick Build project swiftly installs, with minimal disruption to the community, near-term treatments to streets that advance equitable mobility. AC Transit’s Quick Build project, in coordination with the City of Oakland, will install and test various roadway treatments along International Boulevard between 14th and 107th Avenues aimed at further improving Tempo Line 1T service.
What are Quick Build treatments?
Roadway treatments can vary but include the potential of raised curbs, vertical posts, new or modified roadside signage, and special red “bus only” lane striping on the roadway.
How will the Quick Build project benefit my community?
The goal of AC Transit’s Quick Build project is to discourage motorists from unlawfully driving within the bus only lanes. Reserving the lanes solely for buses improves safety and allows Tempo to achieve its impressive reliability for the scores of riders who depend on bus service to travel to work, school, medical appointments, and other activities.
Will on-street parking be affected?
On-street parking is not expected to be impacted. Should an urgent or unforeseen event arise, every effort will be made to place signs at affected parking spaces at least 72 hours in advance.
Will there be road closures or Tempo Line 1T interruptions?
Installing some of the Quick Build treatments may require temporary road closures. Please help keep construction workers safe by following all traffic control measures. All AC Transit service interruptions will be posted at affected bus stops and Tempo platforms. More details can always be found at actransit.org. You can also subscribe to AC Transit’s eNews at actransit.org/subscribe to receive the most up to date service information.
How were decisions made on which locations to study?
AC Transit and the City of Oakland selected the Quick Build locations after analyzing Tempo Line 1T performance data and data on traffic crashes and other transportation conditions from the City of Oakland and the California Highway Patrol.
How is this project funded?
AC Transit secured a $400,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Quick Strike Program to study the effect of various treatments from 14th Avenue to 42nd Avenue at International Blvd. The City of Oakland committed an additional $1.8 million to expand the construction of treatments through 107th Avenue.
How will the community be notified about Quick Build construction?
Notices will be sent via U.S. mail to those who work, live, and own businesses or property in the project area at least two weeks before construction begins. The International Blvd. Quick Build Outreach Team will be walking the corridor from 14th Avenue to 107th Avenue on International Blvd. to share more specific information with residents, businesses, and property owners, on the upcoming construction impacts and additional project details at least 72 hours prior to construction activities beginning.
How can I provide input?
AC Transit and the City of Oakland will be partnering on outreach to residents and businesses near the locations included in the Quick Build project.
Please also submit your comments to:
- Email: planning@actransit.org
- Phone: (510) 891-7262
AC Transit
Service Planning and Development Department
1600 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94612