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Dana Complete Street Pilot Project

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Dana Complete Street Pilot Project

Several people on AC Transit bus


The Dana Complete Street Pilot Project in Berkeley’s Southside neighborhood will construct a bus passenger boarding island, a two-way protected bikeway, and traffic signal improvements on Dana Street from Bancroft Way to Dwight Way. The Project will improve bus reliability, as well as pedestrian and bicycle safety. On-street parking and commercial (yellow curb) and passenger (white curb) loading zones on Dana Street are proposed to move from the west side to the east side of the street to allow construction of the protected bikeway and bus boarding island, and to provide emergency vehicle access.

The Pilot Project is being developed in coordination with the City of Berkeley and is associated with the Southside Complete Street Project. The Berkeley City Council authorized staff to move forward with design of the bikeway on Dana Street in May 2017. The improvements to this segment are also included in the City of Berkeley’s 2017 adopted Bicycle Plan.

You can sign up for Line 6 project updates here.

You can review the proposed conceptual design by clicking the image below to open a printable PDF. Please review the design and provide us with your comments. Please see Project Schedule below for further information about a future virtual community meeting and ways you can submit comments.

Dana Street Pilot Project Elements
Line 6 bus driving through neighborhood

Pilot Project Elements

  • Proposed Bus Boarding Island (on Dana Street at Haste Street): Providing a new passenger boarding island will let buses pull parallel to the curb for improved accessibility, faster boarding and reduce delays. The proposed location is on the south side of the Dana Street/Haste Street intersection, allowing buses to take better advantage of proposed traffic signal improvements.
  • Proposed Traffic Signal Improvements (on Dana Street at Durant Avenue, Haste Street, and Dwight Way): Improved traffic signals will help buses travel more efficiently by allowing for an extension of green light time, or turning to green earlier when needed. Traffic signals will also be coordinated to provide adequate time for people riding bicycles and pedestrians crossing at intersections and reduce delays for vehicle drivers. 
  • Proposed Cycling Infrastructure Improvements (On Dana Street from Dwight Way to Bancroft Way):  Installing a two-way protected bikeway will connect existing low-stress bicycle facilities to the North (the cross-campus bikeway and the two-way bikeway on Bancroft Way) with planned improvements to the South (a proposed new Bicycle Boulevard on Dana Street south of Dwight Way). Separation of bicyclists from vehicles will improve safety and access for people cycling to and through the Southside neighborhood. 

In addition to the reliability and bicycle safety elements of this project, moving on-street parking and passenger (white curb) and commercial (yellow curb) loading spaces from the west side of the street to the east side will be required to accomplish improvements stated above. These changes are necessary to allow for adequate street width for emergency vehicle access in this dense area of Berkeley’s Southside neighborhood. The existing accessible parking space (blue zone) on Dana Street south of Haste Street will also be moved a short distance around the corner on Haste to accommodate the new bus boarding island. Please see Dana Complete Street Pilot Project FAQ for more details.

Additional Improvements

Proposed Bus Stop Improvements: In addition to the Dana Street Pilot Project, AC Transit is proposing some nearby changes to improve bus reliability. The bus stop on Durant Avenue at Dana Street will be removed and the bus stop on Durant Avenue at Ellsworth Street will remain as is.

Project Schedule

  • Spring 2021: Virtual Community Meeting and public input period for the Dana Complete Street Pilot Project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a workshop for this project was held virtually through Zoom on May 27, 6:00 to 7:30 pm.
  • Summer 2021 thru Fall 2021: Finalization of project design 
  • Spring 2022 to Fall 2022: Construction

Project Library

Please direct your questions and comments to or by calling 510-891-7262.

You can also provide feedback by participating in the virtual community meeting. Please check the project page for updates, or sign up for the eNews for information.