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ACT Updates

Woman on AC Transit bus looking at her phone

Transit Safety Survey Preliminary Findings

In November 2024, AC Transit conducted the Transit Safety Survey to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 434 (SB 434), authored by Senator David Min (D-Irvine). The survey, based on the Mineta Transportation Institute’s Street Harassment Survey, was available to riders from November 7 to December 1, 2024. 

To ensure broad representation and to include the voice of communities who are less likely to engage in an online survey, we also conducted intercept surveys at bus stops and onboard buses. The survey was administered systemwide and offered in English, Spanish, and Chinese and was promoted on the AC Transit website, social media channels and via onboard advertisements and flyers.

New MCI bus

New Generation of Transbay Coaches Debut in June

AC Transit introduces a new generation of Transbay service with the rollout of new, redesigned MCI commuter coaches. Starting June 28, new coaches are being deployed on Transbay lines over the coming months. MORE

AC Transit bus on road

AC Transit Triumphs with 2023 Outstanding Public Transportation System Award

We are thrilled to announce that for the first time in over 60 years of operations, AC Transit has achieved the highest recognition among public transit agencies by receiving the 2023 Outstanding Public Transportation System Award from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). MORE

Three AC Transit Employees

March 2025 Employees of the Month

Each month, the District honors the service of those drivers and mechanics who contribute directly to this effort by awarding “Employee of the Month” honors from our Supervision, Maintenance and Transportation divisions. MORE

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